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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Serving Christ but not celebrating Christmas

When Jesus was born gifts were laid at his feet because he was worthy and the Messiah.

Gold: a gift fit for a King
Frankincense: burnt in worship of God
Myrrh: sign of mortal humanity -  used to bury the dead

Ultimately Jesus Christ was crucified at age 33.  His death was not the end of things but signified the beginning for those who would believe; it's what he came to do.  Because of his life, death and resurrection we have the opportunity to be reunited with God for eternity. But since his resurrection we've been celebrating the Christ with food, drink and material gifts.

Don't get me wrong...the way we celebrate doesn't negate the power of what Christ did.  It can however work to subtly lull the lost away from a narrow path right to sleep in the arms of Saint Nick.  Even the life of the real St. Nicholas is not to be compared to our Lord on any level.

Stories about Santa, shopping for material things for our children - one another, Christmas trees, and lights have no healing or delivering power.  What does get lost in the sauce of the 'Christmas spirit' unfortunately is the opportunity we have to accept Christ and be a "part of his life's story."(soon.org)  God came to earth.  That's what it's about.

Read what Christmas is about at the link below.